
Plunger Token is a decentralized token made for and by the r/PlungerPlanet community. The tokens are made for and distributed to holders of Rabbid Reddit Collectable Avatars.

Plunger Token Details

Name: Plunger Token

Ticker Symbol: $PLUNGER

Token Address: 0x43ff18fa32e10873fd9519261004a85aE2c7a65d

Max Supply: 1,505,000,000



There are 1,505,000,000 total Plunger Tokens. Rabbids are allocated 70% of the total number of tokens, totaling in 1,053,500,000 $PLUNGER to be shared amongst claimaints.

Knight Rabbids 5% of Rabbid Pool
Ninja Rabbids 5% of Rabbid Pool
Traveler Rabbids 10% of Rabbid Pool
Raving Rabbids 10% of Rabbid Pool
Plunger Rabbids 25% of Rabbid Pool
Unicorn Rabbids 45% of Rabbid Pool

Bucket Heads and Cone Heads are allocated 15% of the total supply of PLUNGER, totaling in 225,750,000 $PLUNGER to be shared amongst claimants.

Bucket Heads 50% of Cone Head Pool
Cone Heads 50% of Cone Head Pool

Lastly, 15% of the total supply is allocated to the Community Fund Wallet, totaling in 225,750,000 $PLUNGER.

Community Fund 15% of total supply

Voting History

The r/PlungerPlanet community has been involved in the process of making the token through voting.

Round 1 (thread)

  • In a vote of 34 - 16, The Plungers have voted to adopt "Plunger Token" as the name of their community currency!
  • In a vote of 44 - 7, The Plungers have voted to adopt 1,505,000,000 as the supply cap of Plunger Token!
  • In a vote of 21 - 18, The Plungers have voted to nerf the amount of allocated Plunger Tokens to Cones from 20%* to 15%*!
  • The last two polls determining the percentages between The Rabbids and The Genesis drop were both multiple choice and due to the significance in both polls, each of their winner will now have a "confirmation vote" which will be a two-option poll where the community decides whether or not to adopt these changes or redo voting with new ideas and options.
  • Regarding "Percentages among Genesis drop vote" In a 6-way vote of 9 - 20 - 2 - 6 - 11, The 20 votes were given to "Rabbids 70%, Cones 20% Community wallet 10%" which will now hold a confirmation vote to determine its adoption or rejection.
  • Regarding "Percentages among The Rabbids vote" In a 6-way vote of 5 - 18 - 6 - 6 - 19, The 19 votes were given to "Unicorns: 45%, Plungers: 25%, Raving: 10%, Traveler: 10%, Ninja: 5%, Knight 5%" which will now hold a confirmation vote to determine its adoption or rejection.
Round 2 (thread)

  • In a vote of 59 - 3, The Plungers have voted to implement a flair system on the sub would be able to get unique flairs showing off their rabbid's #, nicknames, and even adding the option to display how many rabbids you own!
  • In a vote of 41 - 22, The Plungers have voted to give away the 100 Ninja Rabbids that were gifted by an anonymous Plunger.
  • In a vote of 33 - 24, The Plungers have voted to implement a troll policy to seek to prevent harassment on the sub but allow criticism and well-mannered augments.
  • In a vote of 33 - 18, The Plungers have voted to post a "Daily Plunge" where Plungers can chill, talk about Plunger related topics, and welcome newcomers.
  • In a vote of 19 - 48, The Plungers have voted to immediately get major aspects of Plunger token's development completed and hold several more votes regarding details of Plunger Token in order to launch Plunger Token as soon as possible!
Round 3 (thread)

  • In a vote of 88 - 8, The Plungers have voted to launch Plunger Token on Polygon's blockchain.
  • In a vote of 71 - 27, The Plungers have voted to claim Plunger Token on r/PlungerPlanet and not do a mass drop to all holders.
Round 4 (thread)

  • In a vote of 50 - 26, The Plungers have voted to implement a list of rules which all Plunger Token claims must follow!
  • In a vote of 64 - 15, The Plungers have voted to pursue the creation of a Plunger Pool!
  • In a vote of 53 - 15, The Plungers have voted to nationalize The Plungeration Army!
  • In a vote of 35 - 38, The Plungers have voted to have Muti-optional polling as the default voting procedure!
  • In a vote of 56 - 21, The Plungers have voted to split the 15% allocated to Coneheads and Bucketheads evenly (7.5% each)!
Round 5 (thread)

  • In a vote of 34 - 15, The Plungers have voted to create a Plunger Alliance with r/Knoo!
  • In a vote of 29 - 27, The Plungers have voted to abolish all claim rules for Plunger Token!
  • In a vote of 45 - 25, The Plungers have voted to not cap u/Skank_cunt_42's Unicorns!
  • In a vote of 36 - 8, The Plungers have voted to adopt a Plunger Constitution!
  • In a vote of 47 - 9, The Plungers have voted to pursue the creation of a tipping system after the launch of Plunger Token!
  • In a vote of 47 - 8, The Plungers have voted to adopt a blacklist for Plunger Token!
  • In a vote of 28 - 19, The Plungers have voted to hold elections as needed!
  • In a vote of 11 - 9 - 17 - 10, The Plungers have voted to BWAAAH!!!
  • In a vote of 27 - 22, The Plungers have voted to adopt basic guidelines which all mods must follow and set up a Plunger Line to report abuse!
  • In a vote of 5 - 33 - 19, The Plungers have voted to allocate the last 5% of Plunger Token's supply to the community wallet for future use!

Tacon Token Details

The r/PlungerPlanet Plunger Token brought with it an Easter Egg airdrop included by the developer who helped launch the token with the mod team.

Name: Tacon Token

Ticker Symbol: $TACO

Token Address: 0x7eA837454E3c425E01A8432234140755Fc2aDD1c

Max Supply: 1,505,000,000
